Android Market 2.x
To work with Android Market 2.x,Switch “Enable Unlocker” button to ONand Open Android Market to buy paid app. Optionally different provider can be configured in “Market” tab.Basic Usage for Google Play:
1. Turn on flight mode
2. Enable Market Unlocker and auto unlock (by default USA Verizon is configured)
3. Got to system Setting => Applications => Manage applications=> All => Goolge Play store, and click “Clear user data”
4. Reboot phone
5. Turn on Wifi/3G
6. Enable a working proxy in the same country with market (e.g, enable a USAproxy if using Verizon, Japanese proxyif Docomo)
1) Go to Proxy tab
2) Click edit icon beside “Proxy For Applications”, select “Google Play” in list, and click OK button.
3) Configure Proxy Type, Proxy Host, Proxy Port. Please make sure you are using an effect working proxy server. For pro version user, just select country and click “Fetch Proxy” to get one proxy configured automatically.
4) Switch “Enable Proxy” to “ON”if you get a “no connection” error in google play with this proxy, reboot phone and try fetch another proxy and re-enable proxy. Please beware there is system network cache, reboot phone to clear it.
7. Open Google Play store, download a free app or perform app update. It is necessary to ask google play to start async-up immediately.
8. Wait google service sync-up completed. Sync-up time is various in different regions, should be completedin maximal Several hours.
9. Open Google Play. paid apps are there.Turn off flight mode now.