Transfer Mobile Balance From Idea to Idea
*.Open Phone Dialer
*.Dial *151*countrycode(91 for india)+localidea number to which you are transfering amount*Amount you are transfering#
for example *151*919544587780*10#
*.Now You will get a message with notification that the amount has transferred
you can only send to local idea number and you can send amounts like 5,10,20,50,100,150 and you can send 5 time/day and it has to send in a gap of 5 min.The amount will be instantly transferred to the account and service charge for facility is Rs.2.
Transfer Mobile Balance From Airtel to Airtel
*.To Transfer amount from your mobile,open Phone Dialer
*.Then Dial *141#.You will get a menu like this
1.Share Talk Time
2.Buy Happy Hours Pack
3.Take Loan/Ask For Talk Time
4.Gift Pack SMS
*.Reply with 1 and Press OK.
*.Now You Have to enter the amount you want to share to another mobile and thenenter the mobile number and balance is to be transferred.
*.The Amount Will be transferred from One Airtel to another.You can make upto 5 balance transfer per day
Transfer Mobile Balance From Vodafone to Vodafone
*.For Mobile Balance Transfer, You have to dial*131*Amount*Friend Number#
For Example:*131*10*9544587780#
*.And the the amount will be transferred shortly.
Transfer Mobile Balance From Aircel to Aircel
*.In order to send money all you need to dois dial*122*666#
*.Follow instructions on the your mobile screen
*.Enter the mobile number and amount to be transferred.
*.Your amount will be transferred instantly.
Transfer Mobile Balance From Tata Docomo To Tata Docomo
*.You have send a message for this
*.Send BTto 54321For example: BT 8865564578 to 54321
*.Wait for few second and Your amount willtransferred shortly
Transfer Mobile Balance From Reliance to Reliance
*.For transferring Balance dial *367*3# then dial *312*3#
*.Enter the mobile number and the balanceis to be transferred and amount to be send
*.Your Balance will be transferred instantly.
Transfer Mobile Balance From Uninor to Uninor
*.Open Phone Dialer and dial *202*Mobile Number*Amount#
*.Your Mobile balance Will be transferred shortly